Let’s create together Speaking & Performance

For years, the sound of my voice made me cringe. I bristled at how these sounds, these words, felt infinitely less important when spoken aloud. Their gravity in my mind, evaporating upon exhalation from my mouth. It took me years to learn that this wasn’t my truth, but my shame. A shame I had learned from years being hushed when I asked too many questions, being teased when I took up too much ‘space’ in a classroom by offering the answer, and for daring to stand in the knowing that my words mattered. Today, I make a practice of speaking my words aloud to remind my ears – and all those that listen – that the sound of your own voice is one of the most beautiful things you can offer the world.

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Brigid Dineen
for Guts & Grace Podcast
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer a sem at nisl mollis egestas. Duis at pellentesque magna, eget malesuada tellus. Duis lacinia, enim et suscipit elementum, est orci auctor tellus, at tincidunt odio urna venenatis odio. Phasellus ultrices pulvinar sapien, et dictum dui suscipit vitae. Nam vel accumsan massa, non fermentum dolor. Nulla quis efficitur metus. Praesent faucibus libero ac nisl rutrum efficitur. Duis lacinia, enim et suscipit elementum, est orci auctor tellus, at tincidunt odio urna venenatis odio. Phasellus ultrices pulvinar sapien, et dictum dui suscipit vitae. Nam vel accumsan massa, non fermentum dolor. Nulla quis efficitur metus. Praesent faucibus libero ac nisl rutrum efficitur.
Erin Klassen for Vault
for Guts & Grace Podcast
Last year I had my very first solo exhibition Masks x Molds, and Priyanka gracefully opened the show with a moving spoken word piece! Her ability to command space and speak truth shows up in everything she does and I am excited to witness as she continues to share her gifts with the world.
Romana Kassam
for Masks x Molds