Let’s create together Writing

Writing, and expression in general, came to me like a salve to my wind-worn heart. Growing up as a sensitive and curious person, my empathy was always framed for me as a crux; A personal flaw that would weaken my ability to conquer and achieve. I worried that sharing myself, showing myself, and expressing myself would make me vulnerable to the collective ‘them’ who were out ‘there’ to hold me back. Today, I see the ironic truth: it was hiding from the shame of being exposed by ‘them’ that kept me small. Today, I claim my expression. I claim my writing. I claim my words. I claim myself.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer a sem at nisl mollis egestas. Duis at pellentesque magna, eget malesuada tellus. Duis lacinia, enim et suscipit elementum, est orci auctor tellus, at tincidunt odio urna venenatis odio. Phasellus ultrices pulvinar sapien, et dictum dui suscipit vitae. Nam vel accumsan massa, non fermentum dolor. Nulla quis efficitur metus. Praesent faucibus libero ac nisl rutrum efficitur.
Stephanie Chinn
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer a sem at nisl mollis egestas. Duis at pellentesque magna, eget malesuada tellus. Duis lacinia, enim et suscipit elementum, est orci auctor tellus, at tincidunt odio urna venenatis odio. Phasellus ultrices pulvinar sapien, et dictum dui suscipit vitae. Nam vel accumsan massa, non fermentum dolor. Nulla quis efficitur metus. Praesent faucibus libero ac nisl rutrum efficitur. Duis lacinia, enim et suscipit elementum, est orci auctor tellus, at tincidunt odio urna venenatis odio. Phasellus ultrices pulvinar sapien, et dictum dui suscipit vitae. Nam vel accumsan massa, non fermentum dolor. Nulla quis efficitur metus. Praesent faucibus libero ac nisl rutrum efficitur.
Hannah from Feels

Writing, and expression in general, came to me like a salve to my wind-worn heart. Growing up as a sensitive and curious person, my empathy was always framed for me as a crux; A personal flaw that would weaken my ability to conquer and achieve. I worried that sharing myself, showing myself, and expressing myself would make me vulnerable to the collective ‘them’ who were out ‘there’ to hold me back. Today, I see the ironic truth: it was hiding from the shame of being exposed by ‘them’ that kept me small. Today, I claim my expression. I claim my writing. I claim my words. I claim myself.